I am quite new to android developing area and recently i hv encountered a tough problem. i was trying to make a edittext which should not allow user to copy content from or paste content to it.. If you ever need to disable the popup for cut-copy-paste when you long tap a text from an edit text you can do this by using the code below:. In my application, there is a registration screen, where i do not want the user to be able to copy/paste text into the edittext field. i have set an onlongclicklistener on each edittext so that the context menu showing copy/paste/inputmethod and other options does not show up..
I was trying to make a edittext which should not allow user to copy content from or paste content to it.i read all ansers an do this but it is not work for me! and when i get long click on text to select it, showing me copy/past .hear my code . video.textviewselectable class :. If you want to cater for api < 11 as well, i found that there is no way to disable to keyboard from popping out if you wanted to select the text for copy paste purpose. setting focusable to false will disable the keyboard but it doesn’t help because it disables your ability to select text too.. In the android system, next, determine if you should enable or disable the "paste" option in the current activity. you should verify that the clipboard contains a clip and that you can handle the type of data represented by the clip: you can copy and paste large amounts of text and binary data as streams. the data can have forms such as.