Monday, September 26, 2016

8th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

8th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

8th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

:Discuss on Home Tab Tools:

1: Clipboard Tool Group;

cut, copy, paste, format painter...etc

2: Font Tool Group;

Font Styles, Font Size increase | decrease, Bold, italic, underline, borders, filling, font colors

3: Alignment Tool Group;

Height Position, Width Position, Wrap Text, Merge & Center...etc

8th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

8th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

4: Number Tool Group;

Number Formats, Sign, Percentage, Remove Signs, Increase (.0) 
Value | Decrease (.0) Value

5: Styles Tool Group;

Conditional Formating, Format as Table, Cell Styles ... etc.

6: Cells Tool Group;

Insert cells, rows, colums, Delete cells, rows, colums, Format, Row 
height, width, auto adjust width, sheet rename, sheet protect, cell 
protect, hide or unhide

7: Editing Tool Group;

Auto Sum, Fill up, down, left, right, clear all , clear format, 
clear content, clear comment, Sort & Filter , Filter A to Z, Filter 
Z to A, Find & Search, Find, Replace, Go to , Go to Special, 
Formulas, Comments, Conditional Formating, Contents...etc.

Watch Video

  • DailyMotion.Com
  • Vimeo.Com
  • Playit.PK
  • Youtube.Com

8th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindifrom A2zithelps

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