Monday, September 26, 2016

16th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

16th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

16th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

How to use (rept, roman, round, round up, round down) Formulas?

1: (rept)

2: (roman)

3: (round)

4: (round up)

5: (round down)

16th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

16th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

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  • DailyMotion.Com
  • Vimeo.Com
  • Playit.PK
  • Youtube.Com

16th Class of Excel Training Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindifrom A2zithelps

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